During this interactive workshop, you will discover:

How to get to the root cause of your gut issues with testing!

Learn how this gut test is very different than any other test you’ve done before.

5 secrets nobody has told you to heal your gut issues

So you can heal your gut and live your most fulfilled life this season.

What you can do RIGHT NOW to help your gut

Walk away with what you need to reset your gut after a summer of fun & indulgence.

Meet Your Coaches!

women in kitchen with gutpersonal supplements

Bridgitte Mallinson, MS, RDN

Founder of GutPersonal and a functional medicine registered dietitian with over a decade of experience. After overcoming her own health struggles, Bridgitte created the company that supports and empowers you to take your health back into your hands, as well!

women in kitchen with gutpersonal supplements

Jillian Smith, RDN

Jillian is a registered dietitian with advanced training in functional medicine, and the lead dietitian at GutPersonal. Since the start of the company, Jillian has worked with hundreds of women to restore optimal health and banish gut issues for good. Her passion is to support you in connecting back to your body and finding your best health!